Does your follower count REALLY matter?

Hey Reader,

The short answer? No. That said, let me clarify.

It’s true that having more followers on Pinterest gives you a better chance of reaching more potential customers. If you have thousands of followers, your content is more likely to get seen and shared than if you only have a few dozen followers.

But, this doesn’t mean that having lots of followers is the key to success on Pinterest.

What really matters is creating content that resonates with your audience: useful and relevant information, visually appealing images, and unique ideas. Yes, having a large following helps to spread the word about your content, but if it’s not engaging or inspiring people won’t share it.

Let me repeat that: if it’s not engaging or inspiring, people won’t share it.

You want to keep existing followers engaged and attract new followers with content that's interesting, valuable, and shareable. This is why it’s important to focus on creating quality content that speaks to your target audience.

Pins can be seen by a large audience, even without having a ton of followers.

So, the biggest recommendation I have for you friend is don't put all of your energy into vanity metrics like followers. PLEASE don't!

Instead, you should be focusing on creating great content that resonates with your peeps to see the most success on the platform.

With the right strategies in place, you can make Pinterest work for you and your business.


Want to listen to more of my take on why followers don't really matter like you think? Give a listen below and let us know what you think.

We have tons more episodes coming on all things Pinterest, so make sure you subscribe for the latest updates!


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🖼️ 🖼️ Standing out on Pinterest is easy to do—as long as you have well-designed Pins. Our Pinterest Pin Templates look great and are proven to get noticed. Each template was created with the goal of helping you get more followers and engagement, so you don’t have to worry about spending time creating content from scratch. Check out the Pinterest Pin Templates here!



Pinterest Marketing Manager & Coach

Are you a go-getter entrepreneur, a passionate content creator, or a visionary? I help you learn how to implement content growth plans, outsource visibility & steadily grow monthly revenue without tantrums over tech or trading sleep for success utilizing Pinterest and my four step framework 'Growth To Greatness'.

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